Monday, 19 September 2016

Thinking About Briefs

Over the summer I've been thinking about some of the briefs and competitions that I'm thinking of taking up this year; a few that I am really keen on and others to avoid. These will be pretty big decisions as the outcomes will produce a huge chunk of my portfolio to take with me when I am looking for work after graduation, so I need to keep in mind WHO I want to work for and how my visuals can show a connection.

I wrote down a list of my interests within illustration, and in general to get some ideas going of self lead briefs (which I definitely need to think more about):
  • Book cover design
  • Educational illustration
  • Pattern and home decor
  • Influences on behaviour and learning
  • Positive health and mind
  • History of medicine/modern medicine
  • Humour, funny puns
  • Nature/bushcraft (things I learnt in my summer job)
  • Leading and assisting creative workshops
  • Food! Cooking, recipes etc
  • Dancing

This isn't my formal submission statement, but here's what I'm thinking so far:

Penguin Design Award 2017

Penguin last year was one of my favourite briefs, if not my favourite! I really enjoyed the process of reading the books and translating the main themes and motifs into an aesthetic cover, which is a skill that I am keen to develop. The titles haven't been released yet, so I will probably make a final decision on whether or not I partake in the competition or not, but it is extremely likely!

Illustration For Learning

I spoke to Gareth Wadkin over the summer whilst doing ambassador work and he mentioned a potential opportunity to participate in teaching a workshop for primary school teachers who want to integrate the arts, and in particular illustration into their every day lesson plans. This would be a perfect opportunity for me to develop my teaching skills, as well as gaining an insight into how the primary curriculum is structured.

The Folio Society Book Illustration Competition 2017

Another book brief. In hindsight I wish I would have had a go at the War Horse brief last year, so I had a look at the brief for this year. The book is Mansfield Park by Jane Austen, which kind of threw me off a little. The reason for this is that I've never read any works of Austen before, let alone any 18th Century literature. It's not to say that I am disregarding it due to its age, but not being the most confident (or quick) readers, I think I would find it difficult to sink my teeth into, or understand well for that matter. 


I think that for now I will keep having a think about potential briefs until we get briefed properly on the 30th, then I will have a clearer understanding of what is required and what sort of briefs I want to do.

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