Wednesday, 3 May 2017

FMP: Turning Point

For the past two days I've just been mindlessly drawing from my Amsterdam photos in my sketchbook, feeling like I'm going round and around in circles.

I've been speaking to my coursemates, and they all seem to be in the same boat, running on empty and being more than ready to finish the course. But I am determined to succeed in the 12 days that are left!

I spoke with Ben this afternoon and he gave me some reassurance, and reminded me that this project doesn't HAVE to have a commercial outcome, it can still be a personal exploration. He also mentioned that I shouldn't just forget everything that I've done so far in extended practice, and that I can take some of the elements from that forward into this final resolution. But the main thing he said was to just do what I enjoy and hope for the best.

Other ideas we discussed:

-Illustrative tour guide; how could I do this?
-Making a concertina book
-A series of prints/postcards about interesting Dutch buildings
-Documentary series of editorials

What now?

-Put some chill music on and draw for fun
-Perhaps do a tiny bit more specific research into the things I found interesting in Amsterdam, i.e. the drug laws, lifestyle, culture etc

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