The finished poster- The A-Z of Hipsters |
everyone's posters, using the 'eye' symbol for visual effect and the 'light-bulb'
for concept and ideas. Looking around there was some amazing work done by my class
mates, and that always makes me critique my own work. The posters that I was drawn
to the most were the ones that had humorous concepts for example 'alternative uses for fruit and vegetables' and 'animals carrying out human tasks', however I did
receive some feedback on my own work commenting on the concept being humorous.
I also admired the posters that used a monochrome other than black, which made them
really stand out, and in some ways be more adventurous with the way in which they
applied the colour. Although this was sometimes according to theme. Another idea that I thought worked well was the use of narrative. For example using a character in each illustration to explain the action or meaning, this enhanced the level of consistency and kept things flowing.
Looking at my finished poster I am happy with the final outcome. I believe my strengths lie within the composition, concept and variety in techniques used. However my weaknesses include the concept not being 100% clear to the viewer unless they were familiar with the topic. Also some drawings are more simplistic than others and this could come across as being drawn with less care an effort. In the future I could consider using some of the things I admired in others' work, e.g. a deeper use of narrative and exploration of colour.
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