Sunday, 16 November 2014

Visual Skills End of Module Evaluation

Which practical skills and methodologies have you developed within this module and how effectively do you think you are employing them within your own practice?

In this module, I have learned that clear communication is essential in able to gain a positive reaction from the appropriate audience. My drawing skills have enhanced in the way that they are clearer to read, using more obvious gesture and expression and implying themes that are easy to relate to. I have also developed my ability to produce pieces of work that tie together well as a set by using similar techniques and processes as well as introducing colour schemes, which I have struggled with previously. I have been able to employ these within my own practice by building on the positive comments I receive  at the end of each brief via peer review, and carry them through to the next brief to build a stronger method of practice. 

Which principles/theories of image making have you found most valuable during this module and how effectively do you think you are employing these within your own practice?

In each module there has been some sort of restriction or rule, for example working in a certain colour scheme, working with dimensions or working only in association with a particular theme responding to a word. This has been a useful principle in the aid of helping channel my focus in terms of using the right tools to produce the best possible results. Learning to work within dimensions has taught me the importance of scale and composition in order to make the best visually interesting image possible. I am using and will continue to use this in further briefs that both are and aren't restricted to the use of dimensions. 

What strengths can you identify within your submission and how have you capitalised these?

Throughout each project I have taken time to clearly document each ideas process so it shows how I have developed my practice. I really enjoy intertwining my own interests into each brief, and try to think outside the box without being too one sided or biased. I'd like to believe I am able to capitalise these areas by finding the right balance between simplicity and complexity, creating a happy medium for the viewer that is also open to their interpretation. 

What areas for further development can you identify within your submission and how will you address these in the future?

I definitely need to practice my digital skills in photoshop and check simple things that could lead to higher overall quality, for the example the dpi of images. I also need to spend more time and care on each project instead of being panicked to finish everything on time. This will teach me to pay more attention to detail when creating work and simultaneously increase the quality of my work resulting in a more efficient, professional overall finish.

In what way has the module introduced you to the BA (Hons) Illustration programme?

Visual Skills has introduced me to the structure of the programme and the quality and standard of professionalism that is expected. It has also taught me to further discipline myself in terms of time management. The process of working and learning has introduced me to a higher level of self reflection and critique through responding to the learning outcomes, and also through peer reviews, allowing me to see how other people have responded to my work and identifying areas for further development.

How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
5= Excellent 4= Very Good 3= Good 2= Average 1= Poor

Quantity of work produced-3
Quality of work produced-4
Contribution to the group-3

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