Monday, 23 February 2015

I See Faces Final Evaluation

Viewing the classes GIF's was so interesting; especially analysing the different methods and tools people went through to achieve the desired effects.

I am actually really happy with the outcome of my GIFs; they took a lot more time and effort than I'd predicted. I still believe there is room for improvement in some places but the main thing is that I was able to communicate clearly with the audience with the narrative of each GIF, and in some places gained a positive reaction.

Giraffe on a Bike

I have achieved a realistic sense of movement with the peddling of the bike and clouds passing by. The sense of narrative didn't come across as clearly as I'd hoped in this GIF. The Giraffe was supposed to be riding a young girls bike(possibly his daughters?) to work because he was running late; however it looks as if the Giraffe is just riding the bike aimlessly. 

The narrative could have been made clearer if I had added colour and texture, for example making the bike pink to symbolise femininity; however on the other hand I believe there is something quite simplistic and charming about the GIF being in black and white. I also used a WACOM tablet for the first time in this GIF to emphasise the bold lines, making it clearer to the viewer.

Geoff the Gent

I actually really like the hand-developed feel that Geoff has, although I have used the wacom to touch up areas, and used scanned in textures, I think the whole image portrays a sense of my tone of voice in the actions, movements and narrative within the character.

To improve I could have paid more attention to detail when drawing out each frame. Towards the end of the sequence, his facial shapes and details don't match the first frame as much, however other elements such as his hairstyle and outfit still explain visually that the character is consistent throughout.

Man Boob Man

Man boob man is my least favourite GIF, this is because I spent the least amount of time on him. The animation isn't as smooth as I'd hoped due to lack of time, and also due to this reason I wasn't able to develop further potential for more complex movement; in my initial planning stages I hoped that he would jump up and down using his moobs as a skipping rope.

However, man boob man did achieve a positive reaction from my peers; it still contains a humorous element and the narrative is made clear by visual elements such as the scenery and the sun burnt detail on his skin.

Overall Evaluation of I SEE FACES

Knowledge and Understanding

I feel that I fell short on this outcome; due to having to go home twice during this week I found it difficult to concentrate and find time to complete the character development task to my full potential. Although in a short amount of time I was able to come up with some strong ideas from the things I find amusing stimuli, which I carried through until the end.

Cognitive Skills

Throughout the brief I was always self-aware of my intentions, and came up with effective solutions for difficulties I came across.
However I feel like I need to evaluate and plan my time more wisely in estimating how long certain tasks will take to complete, leading up to the final outcome.

Practical Development

I have developed my practical skills in learning how to animate a GIF for the first time, and being informed and involving myself in learning animation techniques such as stop motion, and using a lightbox to create and adjust frames accordingly.

Conceptual Development

My concepts have developed through testing ideas, aspects of narratives and different media. The main aspects and quality of each character is shown clearly through small stories or elements within the frame e.g. the beach scene for man boob man and the situation of Geoff's bogey.

Key Transferrable Skills

During learning and adapting to using a new skill, I wasn't able to predict and plan my time as wisely as I'd hoped, which resulted in production being slowed down and decreased quality in some of the outcomes of my GIF.

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